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Free Responsive HTML5 Themes
- http://www.zerotheme.com
- Pagerank 4
- Alexa Rank: 30741
Zerotheme offers a nice selection of free responsive HTML5 themes for quick download.

- http://www.aspjunction.com/ezcodes.asp
- Pagerank 1
- Alexa Rank: 3522463
EZScheduler is an events calendar. You can allow users to schedule events or you can restict scheduling to Admin only! Admin can schedule events through the Password Protected Control Panel. Admin...

idev- MusicShop
What is idev-MusicShop?
idev-MusicShop is a PHP Script creates an online music store on your website. Allowing you to sell your music and other audio files. It includes a song preview feature that...

NOV Barcode for .NET
NOV Barcode for .NET helps you embed barcodes in your .NET applications quickly and easily. The solution is fully customizable and provides support for all industry standard barcode formats.

Fresh2Refresh Learn C Programming
C programming is an ANSI/ISO standard and powerful programming language for developing real time applications. C programming language was invented by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Laboratories in...

Ajax Chat
- http://www.php-development.ru/javascripts/ajax-chat.php
- Pagerank 4
- Alexa Rank: 440505
Ajax Chat is a free customizable web chat software implemented in JavaScript (client side) and PHP (server side). JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object is used to fetch new data from the server. The...

- http://html.net/tutorials/css/
- Pagerank 5
- Alexa Rank: 17987
Learn the basic syntax of CSS and have to create your first stylesheet.

- http://www.theill.com/asp/conquermarks.asp
- Pagerank 5
- Alexa Rank: 6637137
An online favorites/bookmark organizer is a nice tool. You are able to maintain your favorites in one location and you don't need to make a backup of them, when you reinstall your computer. I've...
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C, C++ and C#
CGI and Perl
Ruby on Rails
Web Design Tools
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Initializr HTML5 Templates Generator
Initializr is an HTML5 templates generator to help you getting started with a...
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Odoo Apps - Odoo Development Company | SerpentCS
Mar 2, 2023
Responsive Bootstrap Support Ticket System
Regular Expression Parser
Dec 31, 2014
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This is an excellent resource!
on Oct 4, 2015
about HTML5 UP! Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Site Templates
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Oct 1, 2024
Submit URL to ExactSeek
Dec 4, 2023
Snap Builder
Dec 4, 2023
Awesome Images
Dec 7, 2021
Contact Us plugin
Sep 4, 2021
Images Uploads via API Script