HTML5 is the next version of HTML. HTML5 introduces a lot of new elements and attributes that make web pages more dynamic and interactive. HTML5 is still in it's infancy stage, but a lot of popular browsers and sites already support it. Learn how to prepare your site for the upcoming HTML5 by reviewing our growing collection of examples, tutorials and resources.

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Initializr HTML5 Templates Generator

@ Initializr HTML5 Templates Generator

Initializr is an HTML5 templates generator to help you getting started with a new project based on HTML5 Boilerplate. It generates a clean customizable template codes with just what you need to...
Snap Builder Dec 16, 2014 Code Generators 1824 Views
Chart.js Library

@ Chart.js Library

Everything you need to know to build great looking charts using Chart.js This script takes charts — often a bland and boring part of business presentations — to a new level of...
Snap Builder Jan 2, 2015 Frameworks & Libraries 1067 Views

@ FerroSlider

Recently recoded from an earlier version, FerroSlider uses HTML5 and CSS3 to let you organize content on your websites as a sliding gallery or — in the case of a one-page website — as a slider....
Snap Builder Jan 2, 2015 Galleries & Slideshows 1150 Views
Cute Slider 3D

@ Cute Slider 3D

Cute Slider is a unique and easy to use slider with awesome 3D and 2D transition effects, captions, 4 ready to use templates, video (youtube and vimeo) support and more impressive features which...
Snap Builder Jan 3, 2015 Sliders & Slideshows 994 Views
Google Web Designer

@ Google Web Designer

Google Web Designer allows you to create engaging, interactive HTML5-based designs and motion graphics that can run on any device. Google Web Designer is in Beta and is a free download.
Snap Builder Jan 9, 2015 Animation & Effects 986 Views

@ Mixeek

Mixeek is a free software tool for designing and executing web animations and interactive animated web applications. It is purely based on JavaScript, CSS3 and HTML5. It's been developed to bring...
Snap Builder Jan 9, 2015 Animation & Effects 1345 Views
NodeFire Interactive CSS Animator

@ NodeFire Interactive CSS Animator

NodeFire is a responsive focused HTML5 animator for your website. Emulate desktop, tablet, and mobile devices while in design mode. Create one animation that automatically responds to fit any...
Snap Builder Jan 20, 2015 Animation & Effects 1638 Views

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This is an excellent resource!

on Oct 4, 2015
about HTML5 UP! Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Site Templates

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