JavaScript is a language used to enable direct access to objects within other applications, which can greatly enhance the web surfers experience. Review our collection of JavaScript tutorials, applications, programs, examples scripts and downloads.

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The DHTMLX JavaScript UI library allows you to build Ajax-based, cross-browser web and mobile apps faster. It includes a rich set of ready-to-use UI components that can be easily combined into a...
Guest Dec 26, 2014 1141 Views


dhtmlxGantt allows you to create and edit interactive project management diagrams, also known as Gantt charts. With dhtmlxGantt, you can build a web-based replacement for project planning tools...
Guest Dec 26, 2014 1260 Views

@ PhotoSwipe

PhotoSwipe 4.08 JavaScript gallery, no dependencies. In the next year, the use of mobile devices, especially those based on touch functionality, will continue to skyrocket. If you are designing or...
Snap Builder Jan 2, 2015 Image Display 1049 Views

@ Socialite

Choose when to activate those all-important social sharing buttons with this script. It can load and activate them when the document loads, by page scrolling, on hover, and other events....
Snap Builder Jan 2, 2015 Miscellaneous 1079 Views

@ Money.js

Real-time exchange rates & currency conversion JSON API Simple, reliable rates for developers – with 165 currencies and more. Providing currency conversion information on a website can be...
Snap Builder Jan 2, 2015 Miscellaneous 1080 Views
Code Cademy

@ Code Cademy

Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript, the programming language of the Web. Codecademy is an education company. But not one in the way you might think. They're committed to building the best...

@ validate.js

Lightweight JavaScript form validation library inspired by CodeIgniter. No dependencies, just over 2kb gzipped, and customizable!
Snap Builder Jan 5, 2015 Form Validators 961 Views

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