Debugging & Testing. Development Tools. Scripts & Programs. PHP. Discover the best free, open source and commercial PHP Development Tools Debugging & Testing Scripts & Programs for your web site.

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Webgrind Xdebug

Webgrind Xdebug

Webgrind is an Xdebug profiling Web front end in PHP 5. It implements a subset of the features of kcachegrind, installs in seconds and works on all platforms. For quick ‘n’ dirty optimizations,...
Snap Builder Jan 27, 2015 908 Views


Xdebug is one of the most popular debugging PHP extensions. It provides a ton of useful data to help you quickly find bugs in your source code. Xdebug plugs right into many of the most popular...
Snap Builder Jan 27, 2015 840 Views


PHP_Debug is an open-source project that gives you useful information about your PHP code that can be used for debugging. It can output processing times of your PHP and SQL, check the performance...
Snap Builder Jan 27, 2015 1009 Views


PHP_Dyn is an excellent PHP debugging tool that’s open-source. You can trace execution and get an output of the argument and return values of your functions.
Snap Builder Jan 27, 2015 993 Views


MacGDBp is a live PHP debugger application for the Mac OS. It has all the features you’d expect from a fully featured debugger, such as the ability to step through your code and set breakpoints.
Snap Builder Jan 27, 2015 1071 Views


SimpleTest is a straightforward unit-testing platform for PHP applications. To get up and running with SimpleTest quickly, read through this pragmatic tutorial that shows you how to create a new...
Snap Builder Jan 27, 2015 1415 Views

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