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- http://www.ezscripting.com/csv/search.htm
- Searching Databases
- Pagerank 2
- Alexa Rank 10307891
Search your online database and display the results with the same look and feel of your website. Provide as many or few options for searching as you want. Search hidden fields and display results across pages. Very easy to set up
From a search box on a web page, the information is sent to the CSVsearch script. This then displays the results from the database in the format of your template.
CSVsearch Xtra:
With CSVsearch Xtra you have more filters and you can split the results over several pages.
Current versions:
Basic 28/Oct/2006
XTra 17/Aug/2006
Files you will need:
CSVsearch script (download from the website)
Template to show results (instructions on the website)
Template for 'no results' page (optional)
Database (instructions on this page)
Link or search box (on any standard web page)
Things you have to do:
Download the CSVsearch script and make a few changes
Create a link or search box in your webpage
Create a database (or let CSVwrite do it!)
Create a 'template' in your own style
Upload the script and webpages
Minimum Requirements:
Your own website with FTP access
Permission to run CGI scripts on your server
UNIX web hosting with Perl 5.006001 or greater
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