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Category: Javascript Codes Library >> Cookies >> Daily Welcome Cookie

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Snippet Name: Daily Welcome Cookie

Description: This script sets a cookie, with an alert window that only comes up the first time the visitor visits the page each day.

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Author: Ted Man

Last Modified: 2015-08-26 22:58:06

Language: javascript

Highlight Mode: javascript

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<html> <head> <title>Daily Welcome Cookie Javascript Code Snippet</title> <script> /* Begin Select All Textarea Box == This Script Free To Use Providing This Notice Remains == == This Script Has Been Found In The Free Public Codes Library == == NOTICE: Though This Material May Have Been In A Public Depository, Certain Author Copyright Restrictions May Apply == == Created By: Ted Man : Creative Commons License == */ function getCookie(c_name) { if (document.cookie.length>0) { c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + "=") if (c_start!=-1) { c_start=c_start + c_name.length+1 c_end=document.cookie.indexOf(";",c_start) if (c_end==-1) c_end=document.cookie.length return unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start,c_end)) } } return "" } function setCookie(c_name,value,expiredays) { var exdate=new Date() exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+expiredays) document.cookie=c_name+ "=" + escape(value) + ((expiredays==null) ? "" : "; expires="+exdate.toGMTString()) } function checkCookie() { var todaysdate = new Date() var day = todaysdate.getDay() switch (day) { case 1: day = "Monday" break case 2: day = "Tuesday" break case 3: day = "Wednesday" break case 4: day = "Thursday" break case 5: day = "Friday" break case 6: day = "Saturday" break case 0: day = "Sunday" break } var thedate = getCookie('thedate') if (thedate != null && thedate != "") { if (day == thedate) { } else { alert('Be sure to check our daily specials!') // adjust this message to your needs } } else { thedate = day if (thedate!=null && thedate!="") { setCookie('thedate', thedate, 365) alert('Be sure to check our daily specials!') // adjust this message to your needs } } } // Multiple onload function created by: Simon Willison : function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); } } } addLoadEvent(function() { checkCookie(); }); </script> </head> <body> <p>This script sets a cookie, with an alert window that only comes up the first time the visitor visits the page each day. Good for calling attention to daily specials and news updates.</p> <p>Simply put this code snippet in your document HEAD area.</p> <p>If the visitor has not visited your page that day, an alert prompt will spawn.</p> <br /><br /> <div id="snippet"> [ This code example from <a href="">Daily Welcome Cookie</a> page. ] </div> </body> </html>

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