Neon Lights Text - An effective way to draw attention to your webpage text!
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Example: View Code Demo
<html> <head> <title>Neon Lights Text Javascript Code Snippet</title> <style> BODY {font-family:verdana,arial,ms sans serif; font-size:90%;} </style> </head> <body> <h3> <script>// <![CDATA[ <!-- /* // Begin Neon Lights Text // == This Script Free To Use Providing This Notice Remains == // == This Script Has Been Found In The Free Public Codes Library == // == NOTICE: Though This Material May Have Been In A Public Depository, Certain Author Copyright Restrictions May Apply == // == Created by: JavaScript Kit : : Creative Commons License == */ --> var message=" Welcome to!" var neonbasecolor="#cccccc" // the text color value var neontextcolor="#007730" // the neon changer color value var flashspeed=100 //in milliseconds // No need to edit below this line // var n=0 if (document.all||document.getElementById){ document.write('<font color="'+neonbasecolor+'">') for (m=0;m<message.length;m++) document.write('<span id="neonlight'+m+'">'+message.charAt(m)+'</span>') document.write('</font>') } else document.write(message) function crossref(number){ var crossobj=document.all? eval("document.all.neonlight"+number) : document.getElementById("neonlight"+number) return crossobj } function neon(){ //Change all letters to base color if (n==0){ for (m=0;m<message.length;m++) // eval("document.all.neonlight"+m).style.color=neonbasecolor crossref(m).style.color=neonbasecolor } // cycle through and change individual letters to neon color crossref(n).style.color=neontextcolor if (n<message.length-1) n++ else{ n=0 clearInterval(flashing) setTimeout("beginneon()",1500) return } } function beginneon(){ if (document.all||document.getElementById) flashing=setInterval("neon()",flashspeed) } beginneon() // ]]> </script> </h3> <br /><br /> <p>Formatting is accomplished with simple HTML.</p> <p>You can transfer the 'javascript' code to an external file to minify your page size.</p> </body> </html>