Homepage Link Button - Place a link on you website that makes your page a visitors browser home page.
Compatible Browsers:
Firefox BrowserInternet Explorer Browser
<html> <head> <title>Homepage Link Button Code Snippet</title> </head> <body> <script> <!-- Begin Homepage Link Button Code // If it's Internet Explorer, use automatic link // Be sure to change the "http://snapbuilder.com\" // to the URL you want them to bookmark. if (document.all){ document.write('<a href="javascript:history.go(0);" onClick="this.style.behavior=\'url(#default#homepage)\';this.setHomePage(\'http://www.SnapBuilder.com\');">'); document.write('<font size="5" color="#A00000" face="arial"><b>Click Here to Make Us Your Homepage</b></font></a>'); } // If it's Netscape 6, tell user to drag link onto their Home button // Be sure to change the "http://snapbuilder.com\" // to the URL you want them to bookmark. else if (document.getElementById){ document.write('<a href="http://snapbuilder.com">Drag this link onto your Home button to make us your Home Page.</a>'); } // If it's Netscape 4 or lower, give instructions to set Home Page else if (document.layers){ document.write('<b>Make this site your home page:</b><br />- Go to <b>Preferences</b> in the <B>Edit</B> Menu.<br />- Choose <b>Navigator</b> from the list on the left.<br />- Click on the <b>"Use Current Page"</b> button.'); } // If it's any other browser, for which I don't know the specifications of home paging, display instructions else {e <b>Navigator</b> from the list on the left.<br />- Click on the <b>"Use Current Page"</b> button.'); } document.write('<b>Make this site your home page:</b><br />- Go to <b>Preferences</b> in the <B>Edit</B> Menu.<br />- Choos // End --> </script> <br /> [ YOUR CONTENT GOES HERE ] </body> </html>