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<title>Accept Terms And Conditions</title>
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<h3>Accept Terms And Conditions</h3>
<p>Simply agree to the terms to see a live URL forwarding of this code snippet. If you do not agree to the terms and exit, you will be forwarded some where else.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Begin Accept Terms And Conditions
// == This Script Free To Use Providing This Notice Remains == //
// == This Script Has Been Found In The https://snapbuilder.com Free Public Codes Library == //
// == Created by: SnapBuilder : https://snapbuilder.com : Creative Commons License 3.0+ == //
function snapSubmit()
alert("You must agree to the terms in order to proceed.");
return false;
<p><b>By submitting, I agree that all info entered was done accurately and truthfully, or whatever you want to say.
<td><!-- insert the URL path to your page the visitor is forwarded to after agreeing to the terms in
form onSubmit="return snapSubmit();" action="http://domain.com/folder/page.html" method="post" -->
<form onSubmit="return snapSubmit();" action="agree_to_terms_landing.html" method="post"><b>I accept:</b> <input id="one" type="checkbox" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="" value="I Agree To Terms"></form></td>
<td><form name="two">
<!-- insert the URL path to the page the visitor is forwarded too when exiting / not agreeing to the terms. -->
<input type="button" value="Exit" onclick="document.location.href='http://snapbuilder.com';">