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<title>Password Strength Validator</title>
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<h3>Password Strength Validator</h3>
<p>Simply type a password into the box below and watch the password strength validator meter gauge the crack-ability of your password.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Begin Password Strength Validator
// == This Script Free To Use Providing This Notice Remains == //
// == This Script Has Been Found In The http://snapbuilder.com Free Public Codes Library == //
// == NOTICE: Though This Material May Have Been In A Public Depository, Certain Author Copyright Restrictions May Apply == //
// == Created by: CSGNetwork : http://www.CSGNetwork.com : Creative Commons License == //
var minimum = ""; // can set and code for this if desired
var maximum = ""; // can set and code for this if desired
var ComPWs = new Array('password', 'pass', '1234', '1246', '123456', '1357', 'childname', 'spousename', 'dogname', 'birthday', 'address', 'anniversary', 'weddingdate', 'carname'); // these are a few literal examples. This can be large and a second external group, such as a dictionary should also be used.
var digits = "0123456789"; // change as needed - match below
var lcchrs = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; // change as needed - match below
var ucchrs = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; // change as needed - match below
var puncchrs = "!.?,;:`"; // don't use " or ' here. change as needed - match below
var specchrs = "@$#*()%~<>{}[]+-_|\/^&"; // don't use " or ' here. do not duplicate characters in puncchrs. change as needed - match below
var space = " "; // ASCII 32; may or may not be valid in pws. change as needed - match below
// or could use as an alternate
//var space = (String.fromCharCode(32)); // ASCII 32; may or may not be valid in pws. change as needed - match below
var sq = (String.fromCharCode(39)); // single quote ASCII 39; may or may not be valid in pws. change as needed - match below
var dq = (String.fromCharCode(34)); // double quote ASCII 34; may or may not be valid in pws. change as needed - match below
function CkPW(password) {
var combinations = 0;
if (contains(password, digits) > 0) {
combinations += 10;
if (contains(password, lcchrs) > 0) {
combinations += 26;
if (contains(password, ucchrs) > 0) {
combinations += 26;
if (contains(password, puncchrs) > 0) {
combinations += puncchrs.length;
if (contains(password, specchrs) > 0) {
combinations += specchrs.length;
if (contains(password, space) > 0) {
combinations += 1;
if (contains(password, sq) > 0) {
combinations += 1;
if (contains(password, dq) > 0) {
combinations += 1;
// work out the total combinations
var totalCombinations = Math.pow(combinations, password.length);
// if the password is a common password, then everthing changes...
// this is the "shortlist"; test long list if available 75K or >
if (isCommonPassword(password)) {
totalCombinations = 75000;
// about the size of the preferred dictionary; read in correct value from list or group
// work out how long it would take to crack this (@ 200 attempts per second)
var timeInSeconds = (totalCombinations / 200) / 2;
// this is how many days? (there are 86,400 seconds in a day.)
var timeInDays = timeInSeconds / 86400
// how long we want it to last
var lifetime = 365;
// how close is the time to the projected time?
var percentage = timeInDays / lifetime;
var friendlyPercentage = cap(Math.round(percentage * 100), 100);
if (totalCombinations != 75000 && friendlyPercentage < (password.length * 5)) {
friendlyPercentage += password.length * 5;
var progressBar = document.getElementById("progressBar");
progressBar.style.width = friendlyPercentage + "%";
if (percentage > 1) {
// strong password
progressBar.style.backgroundColor = "#3bce08";
if (percentage > 0.5) {
// reasonable password
progressBar.style.backgroundColor = "#ffd801";
if (percentage > 0.10) {
// weak password
progressBar.style.backgroundColor = "orange";
// dangerous password!
if (percentage <= 0.10) {
// weak password
progressBar.style.backgroundColor = "red";
function cap(number, max) {
if (number > max) {
return max;
} else {
return number;
function isCommonPassword(password) {
// will define as white background; less than desirable in most cases
// however, if it just contains it, let it go as the number of characters
for (i = 0; i < ComPWs.length; i++) {
var commonPassword = ComPWs[i];
if (password == commonPassword) {
return true;
return false;
function contains(password, validChars) {
count = 0;
// possible good with 5 chrs if include 1 from 3 different groups
// at least 7 if only 1 group for caution, 8 for good
for (i = 0; i < password.length; i++) {
var char = password.charAt(i);
if (validChars.indexOf(char) > -1) {
// build minimum and maximum routines here if desired
// as is, unneeded
return count;
<td><input type="text" size="24" maxlength="50" onKeyUp="CkPW(this.value);"/></td>
<td><div style="border:0px solid gray; width:177px; height:20px;"> <!-- set the border to >> border:1px; if you want it visible -->
<div id="progressBar" style="font-size:1px; height:20px; width:0px; border:1px solid white;">
<br /><br />
<div id="row3">
[ This code example from <a href="http://snapbuilder.com/code_snippets/copy_code_snippet_235.html">Password Strength Validator Code Snippet</a> page. ]