Web Page Music Player Code Generator

The web page music player code generator will generate a music player code snippet for your website.

Place the generated web page music player code snippet where you want the player visible on your page.

Simply enter the values you need, click "Generate Web Page Music Player Code", then copy and paste the code snippet into your website.

Enter the URL path to the music file:
( folder/song.mp3 or http://... )
Start music on page load?
Play continuously?
Enter the desired width of the music player: (in pixels)
Enter the desired height of the music player: (in pixels)

Generated web page music player code:

Copy and paste the following music player code into your page.

(your generated web page music player code snippet will load directly below
Note: If you make code adjustments above, you must click the 'preview button' each time to update the previewer below.)
Preview will show a working example. You may also use the Snap HTML Code Editor for live demo.