Mirror Code Snippet Generator

 Snap / DIY Resources / Mirror Code Snippet Generator
Simple, Clean Code Snippet Generators and Webmaster Tools to assist designing and maintaining your website.

Our mission is to help expose quality tools and utilities that are offered absolutely free by generous developers world wide.

You can help, simply mirror the tools directly on your website using a simple code snippet.

What benefits do you receive by showing the webmaster toolbox on your website?

  1. A free archive of tools for your personal needs. or to help other webmasters design their web pages.
  2. Help us to inspire a better designed web... give webmasters the free tools to design their envision.
  3. Your code snippets list will auto-magically be updated via our updates.
  4. All tool links open in a new window... so that tool users will remain on your web page.
  5. The Snap Tools Bee image is presented at the navigation bar of all code snippet styles below.

Select your code snippet style below.

1. Build your own iframe box:

Launch Iframe Builder

( Example shown below - width:50%; height:304px; border:1px dotted #007730; )

2. Simple JavaScript Code Snippet - Using Our Theme Layout Stylesheet:
(including scollbar colors)

View Theme Layout

( Place this javascript code snippet into your web page BODY area - content expands to fit area )

3. Simple JavaScript Code Snippet - Using Only Toolbar Layout Stylesheet:

View Theme Layout

( Place this javascript code snippet into your web page BODY area - content expands to fit area )