Create your own webmaster tool box just like this one!
This is a great way to offer your visitors valuable webmaster tools and code snippet generators for free.
A simple, lightweight flat surface shader generator for rendering lit triangles.
Easily create your own free 3d heading image using the free 3D Heading Image Maker Generator.
The 3D CSS Text Generator creates 3D Text and Icons using only CSS.
Easily create an anchor link code using the anchor link code snippet generator.
HTTP Live Streaming JavaScript converter and player demo. Download source file at github.
Use the ASP redirect code generator to redirect visitors from old page URL to the new page URL.
Use the redirect code generator to redirect visitors from the old page URL towards the new page URL.
Use the HTML5 Audio Tag Code Generator to generate your HTML5 Audio Tag code easily.
You can use multiple audio files for better browser version support, but one audio file is required.
Easily create beautiful background color gradients to spice up your page.
This generator will produce the necessary CSS codes for you to copy.
Easily add background music on your page.
This generator will produce the necessary codes for you to copy.
Create cool bit art graphics with this handy image generator.
Easily create Twitter Bootstrap forms by merely dragging and dropping form components using the Bootstrap Form Builder Generator.
Easily create Twitter Bootstrap themes using the Bootstrap Magic Theme Generator.
The border image generator allows web developers to quickly and easily generate preview border-image styles.
Simply enter a numeric value and an example border radius box with code snippet is generated.
Easily create a centered popup window using this handy code snippet generator.
Change CSS according to the time of day using this code snippet generator.
::-webkit scrollbar CSS color code generator to create your customized scrollbar design.
Easily compress your html source code using the html source code compression snippet generator.
Easily add or update page content using the content pseudo class code generator.
As you type, the contrast ratio indicated will update. Hover over the circle to get more detailed information...
This tool has been thought for front-end developers who are tired of working with CSS.
You can quickly convert your old CSS files to fresh new LESS files. As easy as copy/paste.
Easily convert an image to CSS box-shadow code using the convert image to CSS box shadow code generator.
Converting an image to Data URI format is as easy as drag-n-drop! Convert your images using this Data URI image generator.
Easily create a countdown to a specified date using the countdown code snippet generator.
Easily create a countdown to date and specific time code snippet with this generator.
Create a countdown redirect that will redirect the visitor after X many seconds, using this code snippet generator.
This tool extracts only the CSS needed for 'above the fold' content to load faster and the remaining CSS file to load after the page has been rendered.
Easily create a cross browser redirect code snippet using the cross cross browser redirect code snippet generator.
Easily deminify CSS code with the CSS beautifier deminify CSS code snippet generator.
The CSS box shadow property generator lets you easily create your own CSS box shadow property code snippet by adjusting selectors.
The easy CSS3 button code snippet generator.
Easily create a CSS button code using the CSS button maker code generator.
Easily compress css code using the css compress code code snippet generator.
Easily decompress css code using the css decompress code snippet generator.
Easily create a CSS corner ribbon ad banner using the CSS corner ribbon ad banner generator.
Easily create CSS style text link code using the CSS style text link code snippet generator.
This HTML table color code generator will let you build and design your CSS styled HTML table from a variety of styles.
The easy convert standard gradient syntax to prefixed versions code generator!
Easily make filter adjustments to your photo images without having to use a photo editor when using the CSS3 image filters generator.
bounce.js lets you create wicked tasty CSS3 powered animations that will surely amaze your visitors, in no time. Give it a spin!
A small gallery of background patterns with code snippets.
Easily create CSS3 rotation degree codes using the CSS3 rotation degree code snippet generator.
A CSS3 cross browser rule code generator
Easily create CSS3 box shadows by sliding controllers until you have the perfect box shadow effect.
Easily create a CSS tooltip message box that offers important details or information about form inputs or links.
Create a CSS SPAN Tooltip effect code using this nifty code snippet generator.
Creating a Days Hours Minutes Seconds Countdown to an event date is easy using this code snippet generator.
Easily decompress your HTML source code using the HTML source code decompression snippet generator.
Easily decrypt encrypted document text code using the free decrypt document text code generator.
Easily create a horizontally and vertically centered DIV to show your content within.
Easily show a web page/site within a DIV area (just like an iframe) the free DIV content box code generator.
Easily create a drop dowm navigation using the drop dowm navigation code snippet generator.
A CSS drop shadow code snippet generator that actually works with IE7 & 8.
Easily emcrypt your email address using the email address encryptor code snippet generator.
Easily create your own email signature image to protect from spam bots, or to attach to your emails using the email signature image generator.
Easily encrypt document text using the free encrypt document text generator.
Easily create Facebook AWD Sub plugins using this super easy generator that will produce all the necessary files for you to download.
Face to Gif is a simple webapp that lets you record yourself through cam and gives you an infinitely looping animated gif.
Easily create a fade out DIV code effect that will show/hide the content within each DIV using this code generator.
Easily create a favicon.ico image using the free favicon.ico image generator.
Easily encrypt and password lock any file using this free encrypt a file generator.
Easily create a fixed footer DIV page template using this handy code generator.
Easily create a fixed header DIV page template using this handy code generator.
Easily create a fixed header and footer DIV page template using this handy code generator.
Are you paying $$ for flat icons?
Create your own icons using this free flat icon graphic image generator.
Easily convert a text file to any characterset with a click of the mouse.
Easily create a form button link code using the form button link code generator.
(Uses 'onclick' - thus relies on user having javascript enabled).
Easily create a form button link code using the form button link code generator.
(Does not rely on user having javascript enabled).
Easily create CSS style form field element code using the CSS style form field code snippet generator.
Easily add a loading image to your form submit process functions.
Give your visitor an animated loading image effect to visually inform them that their form submission is processing.
Easily create a framed web page layout with visual previewer using the frames generator.
Easily create glassy image buttons for your web pages using the glassy image button generator.
Easily create text that glows using this code generator.
The gradient image scanner generator allows web developers to open an image that contains a gradient and then draw a line over the major components of the gradient to capture and save the selected gradient area.
This pattern gcode generator allows you to select an image to convert it to a gcode.
This code generator will produce the necessary codes to create a Hide - Show DIV template using jQuery. This allows you to condense your content and only show the DIV when called by clicking a link.
Easily create .htaccess authentication file code using the .htaccess authentication file code snippet generator.
Create an .htaccess 301 permanent redirect code using the 301 .htaccess code snippet generator.
Easily and Quickly create valid HTML5 forms using the HTML5 form builder generator.
Easily create an HTML marquee code snippet using the HTML marquee code snippet generator.
An HTML Table Class Code Generator that makes creating a table with cell classes a breeze.
Easily convert your HTML code to XML format using the HTML to XML Convertor Parser code snippet generator.
Easily create .htpasswd file for .htaccess authentication file using the .htpasswd file password encryption code snippet generator.
Easily create styled hypertext links using the hypertext link code snippet generator.
Easily create icons from 16px to 256px in any color format you like.
There are literally thousands of icon color coordinations that you can create with the icon generator.
Easily create an iframe code with border options using the iframe code snippet generator.
Easily crop images using the free image cropping with canvas and context menu generator.
Easily make various sized image icon of any image fie using the image icon generator.
This generator converts an image into a pixelated version using an HTML5 canvas element.
It's basically a simple demo for canvas' imageData functionality.
Easily create your site image maps using the free image mapper generator.
Easily create custom size and color dummy images for placeholders using the image placeholder generator.
Easily create an image slideshow using the image slideshow code snippet generator.
A simple photo app tool that takes an interactive web cam image photo shot of you and allows you to upload it to the web.
Easily create a super light-weight page password protection using JavaScript easily using this code snippet generator.
JqEditor is an editor for writing Jquery. It has syntax suggestion ability, along with few other basic features.
The JqEditor is only used for JS files. No other files are supported in it.
Add a nice smooth animated effect to your 'top of page' links.
The jQuery Scroll To Top of Page Generator uses jQuery for it's smooth travel to the top of page.
A simple JSON formatter/viewer.
Expand/Collapse nodes by clicking on properties names or recursive by clicking on "expand all" and "collapse all" buttons.
Easily analyze text word content for keyword density weight frequency using the keyword analyzer tag code generator.
Making organized and unorganized lists has never been easier. Use the LI Maker Generator to quickly create your LI lists.
The line break removal generator tool can remove line breaks from blocks of text, but preserve or remove paragraph breaks.
Easily create linear gradient images by entering colors using the linear gradient image generator.
Easily create a linked image for your web page using the linked image code generator.
Easily create as many logos that you need using the HTML canvas logo maker.
Easily create a Meme image by uploading an image and typing your text words using the free Meme image generator.
Easily create a meta tag redirect page with transition effect using the meta tag redirect code generator.
Easily create a mobile touch slide out menu template using this code snippet generator.
Easily have your web page background image change automatically depending on what month it is using the monthly background image code generator.
Easily convert any image file into a mosiac styled image using the mosiac image generator.
Drag and drop images from your desktop into the app.
You can rotate and drag images. Generate your animated GIF when ready!
Generate your noise texture pattern easy and fast within 3 steps! The ultimate noise texture pattern designer tool.
Easily obfuscate document HTML source code using the free obfuscate document HTML source code snippet generator.
Easily ofuscate email address from spam bots using the ofuscate email address code snippet generator.
Easily create an onmouseover swap image effect using the onmouseover swap image code snippet generator.
Easily check any web page for valid and invalid links using the link status checker tool.
Easily create page content paragraph words with web design lingo definitions using the paragraph words text generator.
Quickly create a VGA pattern image by viewing the HTML5 VGA image generator. Simply pause the rotating images when you find a VGA pattern you like and download the image.
An online photo editor application that allows you to edit photos quickly.
The photobooth generator will take pictures of you using your computers camera.
The photobooth generator has a few function and image effect options.
Easily create PHP file include codes using the PHP file include code generator.
Create a PHP URL Redirect visitor from old url to the new url code using the PHP redirect code snippet generator.
The PHP Syntax Highlighter Generator will let you easily show PHP code by displaying the code syntax in highlights.
Easily create a pop under window code using the pop under window code snippet generator.
Easily create a popup window using the popup window code snippet generator.
Easily preload your images for fast image hover rollover effects using the preload image code snippet generator.
Create a QR Code Image easily by using the QR Code Image Generator.
The QR Code Image Tweaker Generator allows you to create a QR code image and tweak the QR code image and colors to match your design colors.
Easily create a quicktime .mov video player code using this code generator.
This nifty bookmarklet generator allows you to easily view any web page in multiple screen sizes, simulating the viewport of the most common devices.
Easily add scrollbar colors to your page using the scrollbar css color code snippet generator.
Easily create a select menu drop down navigation code using the select menu drop down navigation code generator.
Easily create server side include tags using the server side include code generator.
Easily create sized PopUp windows using the sized text link PopUp link code snippet generator.
Slide My Text! allows to you create slide presentations from plain text files.
Plain text files are files with extensions as '.txt' and MIME type 'text/plain'.
Easily preview any websites META information using the Snap Meta Spider utility tool.
Easily create a social media icon link using the social media icon link generator.
Specify that a visitor must come from a specific 'Referring Page' in order for the web page to load is easy using this code snippet generator.
Easily create sprite images to make your page load faster using the sprite image generator.
The status bar message code generator allows you to easily create status bar message code with effects.
The Text Case Converter Generator is a free tool that converts any text to either upper case, lower case, proper case or sentence case.
Easily arrange text in alphabetical order using the arrange text in alphabetical order generator.
Easily create text shadow effect code using the text shadow effect code snippet generator.
Easily take any formated text and convert it into HTML using the Text to HTML Generator.
Easily wrap text around an image using the text wrap image code generator.
Easily convert any text content into HTML using the Text to HTML code generator.
Easily convert any picture to have triangulation patterns within the image... some images can be made to look really awesome when using the triangulation image generator.
Create your own HTML CSS code lesson tutorial using the tutorializr editor code generator.
This is a great utility for teaching students 'how to use HTML, CSS and JS code lessons.
An online photo editor where you can simply drag and drop your images into the browser and then add different filters to them.
Creating a video player background is easy using the video background player generator.
Converting a video file format to another format is easy using this video file converter generator.
The video player code generator will generate a video player code snippet for your web page.
Easily convert lyr to vtt using the convert lyr to vtt generator.
Easily create zip files using the free online web zip file archiver generator.
Create your own webmaster tool box just like this one!
This is a great way to offer your visitors valuable webmaster tools and code snippet generators for free.
Easily add music to your web page using the web page music player generator.
Easily create your website privacy policy using the website privacy policy generator.
Not intended to be legal coverage for you. Seek qualified licensed legal advice for legal coverage.
Easily create a windows media .wmv video player code using this code generator.
Easily create a sprite text image using the sprite text image generator.
Easily create a Youtube Video Background Player code using this nifty code snippet generator.
Easily download any YouTube video using the YouTube Video Downloader Generator.
Easily create a Youtube video player code using the Youtube video player code generator.
A very helpful chart showing the ASCII HTML Character Codes.
A very helpful list of ISO Codes for drop down menus in values, lowercase, country names separated by semicolan and all countries with an ISO code.
Your IP number is often needed for .htaccess security settings.
Easily convert pixel size to em size with a click.
Click a property or value to select its text. Makes it really fast to copy declarations.
A web application that analyzes a web page. Takes the url of a web page, retrieves it, prints out the source and displays a report of its html tags. The html tags are displayed with their usage count in the page's source.
A useful utility tool to quickly determine any web server image width and height size values.
Easily review your article content keyword density weight by using the keyword density weight analyzer utility tool.
An OpenType Font Testing Page for you to thoroughly test your font types for development projects.
Simply drop in any picture and select all the color code values you need from the image.
Easily prettify view source code buttons using the prettify view source code button snippet.
Enter a website URL and view the website in different screen type resolution sizes.
Enter your sitemap URL and this tool will analyze which links in the site are working and which are not.
A super simple Snap HTML Code Editor to work with any HTML / Script codes and instantly see changes as you type inside the editor.
This nifty tool allows you to view the source code of any website... and, it's displayed with Google prettify coding style.
Ever wonder what's the correct word for some particular code? Browse and learn which code means what in CSS or HTML. There's some sample code, with a list of terminologies in the sidebar. Clicking on the code highlights relevant terms within the sidebar. Clicking a term in the sidebar highlights the relevant parts within the code itself.
This page attempts to load one of every texture format supported by WebGL (excluding videos). It is intended to quickly show which formats your browser/device supports, and give browser vendors a quick way to sanity-check their implementations.
A helpful glossary of most commonly asked/mentioned word terminologies in the code snippet generators section.
A perfect utility tool to assist you with creating thumbnail images of any YouTube videos.