Fade Out DIV Code Snippet Generator

Creating a Fade Out DIV is easy using this code snippet generator.

.:: What does the Fade Out DIV code snippet do? ::.

This code generator will produce a small code snippet allowing you to have a DIV that fades out at a designated time period on the web page.
(View an example in new window)

How to generate a Fade Out DIV Code Snippet:

  1. Simply enter your Fade Out DIV seconds information.
  2. Click "Generate Code Snippet" button.
  3. Copy & paste the code into the BODY tag of your web page.

 Fade Time:

Copy and paste the following code into your page.

(your generated fade out DIV code snippet will load directly below
Note: If you make code adjustments above, you must click the 'preview button' each time to update the previewer below.)
Preview will show a working example. You may also use the Snap HTML Code Editor for live demo.