HTML Codes - ASCII Special Characters

HTML codes to put ASCII special characters on your Web page

The following list includes the HTML codes for many of the ASCII symbols used on Web pages. The first section includes the first 255 character codes and their related HTML codes. Then, at the bottom you'll find some other symbols and the HTML codes to create them. Not all browsers support all the codes, so be sure to test your HTML codes before you use them.

Friendly CodeNumerical CodeDisplayHexDescription
 	  Horizontal Tab
  Line feed
 !!21Exclamation point
"""22Double quote
 ##23Number sign
 $$24Dollar sign
 %%25Percent sign
&&&26ampersand (also called 'and' sign)
 ''27Single quote
 ((28Left parenthesis
 ))29Right parenthesis
 **2AAsterisk (star)
 --2DMinus (hyphen)
 //2FForward slash
&lt;&#60;<3CLess-than sign
 &#61;=3DEqual sign
&gt;&#62;>3EGreater-than sign
 &#63;?3FQuestion mark
 &#65;A41Capital a
 &#66;B42Capital b
 &#67;C43Capital c
 &#68;D44Capital d
 &#69;E45Capital e
 &#70;F46Capital f
 &#71;G47Capital g
 &#72;H48Capital h
 &#73;I49Capital i
 &#74;J4ACapital j
 &#75;K4BCapital k
 &#76;L4CCapital l
 &#77;M4DCapital m
 &#78;N4ECapital n
 &#79;O4FCapital o
 &#80;P50Capital p
 &#81;Q51Capital q
 &#82;R52Capital r
 &#83;S53Capital s
 &#84;T54Capital t
 &#85;U55Capital u
 &#86;V56Capital v
 &#87;W57Capital w
 &#88;X58Capital x
 &#89;Y59Capital y
 &#90;Z5ACapital z
 &#91;[5BLeft square bracket
 &#92;\5CBack slash
 &#93;]5DRight square bracket
 &#96;`60Grave accent
 &#97;a61Lowercase a
 &#98;b62Lowercase b
 &#99;c63Lowercase c
 &#100;d64Lowercase d
 &#101;e65Lowercase e
 &#102;f66Lowercase f
 &#103;g67Lowercase g
 &#104;h68Lowercase h
 &#105;i69Lowercase i
 &#106;j6ALowercase j
 &#107;k6BLowercase k
 &#108;l6CLowercase l
 &#109;m6DLowercase m
 &#110;n6ELowercase n
 &#111;o6FLowercase o
 &#112;p70Lowercase p
 &#113;q71Lowercase q
 &#114;r72Lowercase r
 &#115;s73Lowercase s
 &#116;t74Lowercase t
 &#117;u75Lowercase u
 &#118;v76Lowercase v
 &#119;w77Lowercase w
 &#120;x78Lowercase x
 &#121;y79Lowercase y
 &#122;z7ALowercase z
 &#123;{7BLeft curly brace
 &#124;|7CVertical bar
 &#125;}7DRight curly brace
 &#127;7FNot defined
 &#129; Unknown
&sbquo;&#130;201ASingle low-quote
 &#131;ƒ192Function symbol (lowercase f with hook)
&dbquo;&#132;201EDouble low-quote
&Dagger;&#135;2021Double dagger
 &#136;ˆ Hatchek
&permil;&#137;2030Per million symbol
 &#138;Š160Capital esh
&lsaquo;&#139; Left single angle quote
 &#140;Œ152OE ligature
 &#141; Unknown
 &#142;Ž Capital ž
 &#143; Unknown
 &#144; Unknown
&lsquo;&#145;2018Left single-quote
&rsquo;&#146;2019Right single-quote
&ldquo;&#147;201CLeft double-quote
&rdquo;&#148;201DRight double-quote
 &#149;2022Small bullet
&ndash;&#150;2013En dash
&mdash;&#151;2014Em dash
&tilde&#152;˜ Tilde
 &#154;š161Lowercase esh
&rsaquo;&#155; Right single angle quote
 &#156;œ153oe ligature
 &#157; Unknown
 &#158;ž Lowercase ž
&Yuml;&#159;Ÿ178Uppercase y-umlaut
&nbsp;&#160; A0Non-breaking space
&iexcl;&#161; A1Inverted exclamation point
&cent;&#162; A2Cent
&pound;&#163; A3Pound currency sign
&curren;&#164; A4Currency sign
&yen;&#165; A5Yen currency sign
&brvbar;&#166; A6Broken vertical bar
&sect;&#167; A7Section symbol
&uml;&#168; A8Umlaut (Diaeresis)
&copy;&#169; A9Copyright
&ordf;&#170; AAFeminine ordinal indicator (superscript lowercase a)
&laquo;&#171; ABLeft angle quote
&not;&#172; ACNot sign
&shy;&#173;  ADSoft hyphen
&reg;&#174; AERegistered sign
&macr;&#175; AFMacron
&deg;&#176; B0Degree sign
&plusmn;&#177; B1Plus/minus sign
&sup2;&#178; B2Superscript 2
&sup3;&#179; B3Superscript 3
 &#180; B4Acute accent
&micro;&#181; B5Micro sign
&para;&#182; B6Pilcrow sign (paragraph)
&middot;&#183; B7Middle dot
&cedil;&#184; B8Cedilla
&sup1;&#185; B9Superscript 1
&ordm;&#186; BAMasculine ordinal indicator (superscript o)
&raquo;&#187; BBRight angle quote
&frac14;&#188; BCOne quarter fraction
&frac12;&#189; BDOne half fraction
&frac34;&#190; BEThree quarters fraction
&#191; BFInverted question mark
&Agrave;&#192; C0A grave accent
&Aacute;&#193; C1A accute accent
&Acirc;&#194; C2A circumflex
&Atilde;&#195; C3A tilde
&Auml;&#196; C4A umlaut
&Aring;&#197; C5A ring
&AElig;&#198; C6AE ligature
&Ccedil;&#199; C7C cedilla
&Egrave;&#200; C8E grave
&Eacute;&#201; C9E acute
&Ecirc;&#202; CAE circumflex
&Euml;&#203; CBE umlaut
&Igrave;&#204; CCI grave
&Iacute;&#205; CDI acute
&Icirc;&#206; CEI circumflex
&Iuml;&#207; CFI umlaut
&ETH;&#208; D0Eth
&Ntilde;&#209; D1N tilde (enye)
&Ograve;&#210; D2O grave
&Oacute;&#211; D3O acute
&Ocirc;&#212; D4O circumflex
&Otilde;&#213; D5O tilde
&Ouml;&#214; D6O umlaut
&times;&#215; D7Multiplication sign
&Oslash;&#216; D8O slash
&Ugrave;&#217; D9U grave
&Uacute;&#218; DAU acute
&Ucirc;&#219; DBU circumflex
&Uuml;&#220; DCU umlaut
&Yacute;&#221; DDY acute
&THORN;&#222; DEThorn
&szlig;&#223; DFSZ ligature
&agrave;&#224; E0a grave
&aacute;&#225; E1a acute
&acirc;&#226; E2a circumflex
&atilde;&#227; E3a tilde
&auml;&#228; E4a umlaut
&aring;&#229; E5a ring
&aelig;&#230; E6ae ligature
&ccedil;&#231; E7c cedilla
&egrave;&#232; E8e grave
&eacute;&#233; E9e acute
&ecirc;&#234; EAe circumflex
&euml;&#235; EBe umlaut
&igrave;&#236; ECi grave
&iacute;&#237; EDi acute
&icirc;&#238; EEi circumflex
&iuml;&#239; EFi umlaut
&eth;&#240; F0eth
&ntilde;&#241; F1n tilde
&ograve;&#242; F2o grave
&oacute;&#243; F3o acute
&ocirc;&#244; F4o circumflex
&otilde;&#245; F5o tilde
&ouml;&#246; F6o umlaut
&divide;&#247; F7Division symbol
&oslash;&#248; F8o slash
&ugrave;&#249; F9u grave
&uacute;&#250; FAu acute
&ucirc;&#251; FBu circumflex
&uuml;&#252; FCu umlaut
&yacute;&#253; FDy acute
&thorn;&#254; FEthorn
&yuml;&#255; FFy umlaut

Friendly CodeDisplayDescription
&spades;Spade card suit
&clubs;Clubs card suit
&diams;Diamonds card suit
&hearts;Hearts card suit
&larr;Left arrow
&rarr;Right arrow
&uarr;Up arrow
&darr;Down arrow

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